Stacion - Grotesk Type

Introducing Stacion Grotesk, the freshest funky typeface hot out of the oven. This delightful font boasts a playful character, with whimsical glyphs and intriguingly unique details that are sure to spark curiosity and captivate the imagination. Drawing inspiration from the distinctive architectural style of Brutalist Bus Stations during the Yugoslavian Era, Stacion Grotesk embraces its eccentricity with pride. Embodying a touch of weirdness, this typeface ventures beyond the ordinary and emerges as an intriguing and refreshing addition to any design project. Weirdness, after all, holds the key to fascination. Stacion Grotesk embraces its peculiar charm and offers a captivating alternative to more conventional typefaces. With a carefully curated selection, it comes in Light, Regular, and Italics weights, providing a versatile range of options for your creative endeavors.

Stacion - Grotesk Type

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